Donate essential supplies
As a charity, we rely on the generosity of the public for donations. We have a lot of unique and different attractions at Ouseburn Farm, so if there's something you no longer need but think we might, then you're probably right. Or, if you'd like to purchase something for the Farm, it will be received with a warm welcome and thank you.
Please contact our Hugh (hugh.stolliday@ouseburnfarm.org.uk) for a list of what we made need and to discuss any purchases before you make them. An example of items we are currently looking for is listed below:
Food items to prepare 220 meals per week for the vulnerable residents of local hostels.
Chest freezers – extra cold storage space so we can cook and freeze our farm-cooked meals.
Food containers with lids.
Hay, straw and feed for the animals.

Our needs are always changing as we work to support the community and our trainees, as well as care for our animals at Ouseburn Farm. Follow us on social media to stay updated and check back on this page.